Buying flowers is one of my absolute favorite things to do! As much as I want to grab anything and everything blooming and beautiful - I remind myself that there are right and wrong flowers to buy based on where I plan to use them.
Questions I ask myself - Annuals or Perennials? Sun or shade? Water loving or drought tolerant? These are all important factors to consider. Answering these questions lets me know which plants can be planted together, which ones can be transplanted into the ground in the fall, and where I can place the planters for the appropriate needed sun/shade.
Annuals are flowers like petunias, impatiens, and geraniums. The term 'annual' means you have to re-plant the plant each year. They are the most common flowers used in planters and hanging baskets. Perennials are plants that come back year after year like hostas, black-eyed susans, daisies, and coral bells.
Today I'm talking annuals, and I'll share a list of my favorites that I buy each year.
No Fail Sun Loving Annuals -
Look for this pink handled 6 pack of flowers. This is the unmistakable packaging for Wave Petunias. Waves are the bountiful blooming, spilling over the side of your planter, amazing petunias you see hanging up at zoo's and shopping centers.
Add in creeping foliage to your planters with licorice plants. I love this low maintenance plant with small little rounded leaves. Licorice plants add interest and texture to a planter.
Coleus are always a great centerpiece in my planters. They get tall and bushy and the foliage is so colorful. They are easy to grow and do great in both sun and shade.
The bright green leaves here are called sweet potato vine. These pair beautifully with wave petunias and are easy to care for.
Shown is a geranium. They also come in a climbing variety and even a flower-less variety known for its ability to naturally repel mosquitoes. All varieties are low maintenance.
Butterfly daisies add happiness to any planter. Make sure to look specifically for these daisies. I find other varieties do not do as well as these and eventually just stop blooming.
No Fail Shade Loving Annuals-
The Boston Fern. These bushy beauties do wonderfully in the shade. Hanging from under a patio overhang, or in a planter up against the house. Helpful hint- water them DAILY. Water them until the water leaks out the bottom of their pot. The second they dry out- which happens quickly- you will have a crispy fern.
Impatiens are one of my favorites. My grandma always had these, and I loved how they seemed to almost glow in the shade of her porch. A fun fact about impatiens- they are edible! Pluck off the pretty flowers and toss them on your salad. Beautiful and delicious!
This is a New Guinea Impatiens. Much like the fern, they need shade and frequent watering. The first time you miss a watering, they'll wilt and you'll think you've killed them. But don't panic- luckily with these, if you catch it in time- they bounce right back and look beautiful again in a few hours.
Know your Zone-
Here is a hardiness zone map of the United States. Depending on where you live, your annuals (and perennials) may have longer bloom-time. Be sure to check the tag that comes with your plant. It will list the zone tolerance there.